Johri, Amit

Business and big data analytics: "data to decision" -the science of data driven decision making / by Amit Johri and Akshai Aggarwal - 1st ed. - Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House, 2023. - 5v.

v.1. Business and big data analytics - concepts, technologies and applications, what is it? shy is it important? Apache Hadoop MapReduce - v.2. Hadoop Random Access Databases . HDFS . HBase . Cassandra . CouchDB . Mongo DB - v.3. Hadoop tools for crunching big data Sqoop & flume . Pig & Hive . ZooKeeper & Hive . Mahout - v.4. Big data analytics tools apache spark . avro . kafka . apache storm . Impala - v.5. Common tools for uncommon data HCatalog . Apache Tajo . Apache Solr . Talend


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